Pillar One: Racial Healing
Primary Objective: To cultivate racial healing in the community.
Strategy 1: Initiate a Community Book Club utilizing various reading selections which deal with issues surrounding race.
Strategy 2: Host a community workshop which creates dialogue concerning racial differences and how to alleviate those differences.
Strategy 3: Create and provide a Racial Healing Institute to be offered to the community at large.
Strategy 4: Conduct a search for grants to fund activities related to racial healing.
Pillar Two: Poverty Awareness
Primary Objective: To raise community awareness concerning how to assist and communicate with people living in poverty.
Strategy 1: The Volunteer Executive Director will complete a poverty awareness learners group creating the ability to schedule consulting workshops.
Strategy 2: Create and deliver a poverty awareness training which Unlimited Potential volunteers will be required to complete prior to working any event.
Strategy 3: Conduct a search for grants to fund activities related to poverty awareness.
Pillar Three: Employability & Entrepreneurship
Primary Objective: To create opportunities for career and economic success through education and training.
Strategy 1: Offer two career related workshops.
Strategy 2: Investigate and purchase the most appropriate online resources to be used for job search purposes and career development.
Strategy 3: Host a workshop on small business development.
Strategy 4: Conduct a search for grants to fund activities related to employability and entrepreneurship.
Pillar Four: Leadership Development
Primary Objective: To grow leaders through the exchange of ideas and essential skill development.
Strategy 1: Create leadership development curriculum for various age groups.
Strategy 2: Secure the ability to apply CEU credit to the leadership development curriculum.
Strategy 3: Begin to offer a comprehensive leadership development program in Summer 2020.
Strategy 4: Conduct a search for grants to fund activities related to leadership development.
Pillar Five: Culturally Responsive Education
Primary Objective: To increase the respect and awareness of all cultures to continually decrease the marginalization of underrepresented people groups.
Strategy 1: Compile research that is directly related to culturally responsive teaching and education.
Strategy 2: Investigate various schools that utilize a culturally responsive curriculum.
Strategy 3: Conduct a search for grants to fund activities related to starting an academy that utilizes culturally responsive teaching techniques.